Compagnie d'hébergement web à Montréal
Entreprise | Professionnel | Corporatif | Exécutif | |
Espace de serveur | 2,000 MB (2 GB) | 4,000 MB (4 GB) | 6,000 MB (6 GB) | 10,000 (10 GB) |
Bande passante (Mensuel) | 10,000 MB (10 GB) | 20,000 MB (20 GB) | 30,000 MB (30 GB) | 70,000 MB (70 GB) |
CPanel | ||||
Hébergement SEO | ||||
99.9% Fonctionnel | ||||
Serveurs rapides | ||||
Soutien excellent | ||||
Installation gratuite | ||||
Soutien par courriel | ||||
Annuel | $200 | $400 | $600 | $800 |
Semestriel | $350 | $725 | $1,000 | $1,300 |
Il y a au moins deux étapes que vous devez réaliser à tout prix afin de mettre votre site en ligne. Tout d'abord, vous devez enregistrer le nom que vous voulez. Ensuite, vous devez configurer votre hébergement web.
Domain Name Registration
A web address is officially called a domain name. Your website project begins with the registration of a name that you want. Names can be purchased (rented, really) in blocks of 1-year periods. Registering the name you want for 2 years is an industry standard, although for several reasons, it's good to register them for even longer.
We provide registration services for our clients. Our clients also benefit from consultations regarding which name(s) to register.
Once you have registered your name you will need web hosting. Despite what many people think, domain name registration and web hosting are not the same thing. You can register your name through one company but host it somewhere else. You can also register a name but not host it all until you are ready to do so or decide to sell it.